Sunday, December 2, 2012

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Slice to tell others, because I don't want to lead a meaningless discussion."Sit the bedroom that flies in the dragon in, the rare Lei towards Long Fei, card Luo and smiles Luo Cha and elder brother Er to say especially.
Although is public don't know rare Lei why will be thus nervous,still keep noding to promise, after all they to rare the Lei have already pretty much trusted and believe that he does so to definitely have his reason.
Looking at Long Fei to wait person to promise, the rare Lei pickeds up cup shallow taste an one mouthful, sorting thoughts and feelings after say:"Lord Mr., I once said to you, I was born in the Mi clan, however I but don't tell you the true state of matter.
Don't know if everyone once listens to and spread this story in the mainland:1,100 year agos, be mankind be enslaved by the spirit, spirit for the sake of strengthen the mankind's combat ability, let the mankind be not any more to know blunt kill of barbarian, therefore the mankind who specially make to own similar to spirit intelligence, and teach they only then the spirit can use of skill in martial arts,Beats By Dre Free shipping day, let them lead all mankind and evil clan combat.Although this is just a legend,this is the history that our eastern Mi clan knows.
My clan always life's everyplace in mainland, don't fix of live a location, but have own contact method.Our owning ordinary people doesn't know of mysterious magic trick, can in the in a moment contacts everywhere.Whenever the kid is born, then will hand over to the elder in the clan to take a location of secret, accept various knowledge education, study mysterious ancient old eastern martial arts.Until is 18 years old, then will be grown by the clan to assign a girl in clan to get married to living son.Only after being to own posterity, can leave the control of elder, arrive at the whole mainland, complete the task of elder allotment."
"What?Is the person so on the hoof to still have what mean?Absolutely be like ancient community living similar!"Smile Luo Cha to shout loudly a way.
"Luo Cha, your calmness orders, let rare the Lei finish saying words."The towarding of Long Fei disaffection smiles Luo Cha to say.
Rare Lei but disagree of say with smile:"Nothing important, in fact smile general to say of to, this kind of life style isn't what ordinary people can be used to.However this also has no way, because when you one birth at such of grow up in the environment, the root can't consider other."
The rare Lei wry smile is 1, say with the tone of self-ridicule:"However, there is also exception, I am a special member.Originally I am similar to other kid, always life in the not well-known valley, the life in everyday in addition to studying, would be to investigate, there is no so-called childhood.But in the just about kid of age, I study sooner than the other people and usually is subjected to speaking favorably of elder, therefore they all take me as different, would not like to associate with me at all.The only pair of I am an adult to see of, is a than my big 2-year-old girl.
However one day, she suddenly from my view disappear, reason is ……the reason is that she is chosen to another wife of clansmen.I am 16 years old that year, as long as lead again for two years, probably I can forever with she together ……"hope the emotion of Lei to suddenly fall low, light disappointed and unwilling, let public and silent have no voice.
A long time, seem the diligent instauration town settle, rare Lei suddenly the Hun in the cup the muddy liquid drink an entrance in, way:"That is the first time I discovered such of the life wasn't reasonable, since that day, I hard wanted through the life style that own strength changes a Mi clan.However I failed, be finally seen by the elders to jail for revolting a member, and make selection to execute of time.
Am closed in the prison building, think that when oneself necessarily dies she appears in my in front again at me.Originally she has already born posterity for her husband and return to valley again just for handing over to a kid elder.Originally I think that this am the last time to see her, have never thought her to unexpectedly stick her neck out will I extrication valley.Can only cherish ……she pays the life of being born for the sake of me.
That is the period that I lose most , drift about in the whole mainland of I, since have no money, also have no target, living get to be like a dog every day.If not is to meet a girl who is like very much with her, if isn't the look in the eyes that she despises, probably I will forever thus living next go.Now I remember her end to the my words:"For the sake of own ideal, for the sake of worth sacrifice of person, so even if sacrifice the whole have no harm again?'
For the sake of her this sentence, I struggle till today, but now the biggest enemy but appear, I guess right, magic trick can use to change to turn overcast, necessarily is the companion of my clan, only then they can make to produce heavy mist inside the thus big scope, and move troops with this.
However have at 1:00 I always think impassability, according to the clan rules of my clan, the son people of my clan absolutely can not participate in politics in the mainland, more not ability the history development of the direct change mainland, if say'he'appear in the blood and kill the camp of the regiment in just for dealing with me, that is really too fantastic.
Tell the truth, rely on to fight the strength of troops in the clan, killing my root is easy to accomplish, the help blood that don't need to be spent a long time thus kills regiment to resist us.So, until I can not also affirm now and kill the mysterious person in the regiment in the blood actually is the warrior that isn't my clan.I think that only I go to kiss a much more southern Si capital in person, so as to understand everything.
I speak everything toward lord Mr. today, be want to let lord Mr. temporarily stops the combat to kill the regiment to blood, because before the personal status that hasn't made sure opponent, I really have never had confidence to defeat opponent."
Hear the words of hoping the Lei, public all is a surprised.Although for hope the life experience of Lei they are some surprise, more shocked BE, the rare Lei will go to the enemy's headquarter before the war will soon break out.
To know as a sky, in Long Jun the most outstanding staff officer, probably all in homes of warlords in the whole mainland contain the portrait to hope Lei, still less the blood of mountain having already been compelled knife kill regiment.And if the blood kills the mastermind of regiment is really the Mi clan in the rare Lei, soing afraid of them absolutely can't let rare the Lei Be on the hoof to come back.
Shocked remaining, card Luo opens mouth objection first:"Military adviser, we kill regiment power with blood now like water fire, absolutely don't can only get into to kiss a much more southern Si capital in the current circumstance order, once being discovered by the enemy, believing that your circumstances will be very dangerous."
"BE ah!I also oppose.Even if send more hand protection don't go as well, one bearers is much more easily disheveled hair now;Second, in the enemy's sphere of influence inside, even if send 1, 2,000 crack troopses to can't have, either what function.I wish positive fight in top in the battlefield and the enemy, would not like to follow you closely white to give away dead, either."Smile Luo Cha morrow to say.
"I also agree the opinion of Luo Cha and card Luo.The troops of our army is about the enemy's 1 times halfs now, weapon material of quality and amount are above in the decuple, weigh the storage of type evil Jing stone cannon, even if will kiss much more southern Si deep-fried become the flat ground is also all right.Whatever enemy uses account to strive for, this absolute advantage is a very difficult change of, so I miss you or take no chance well."Long Fei says.
"Everyone concerns me understand, but this isn't a sky, Long Jun's problem, but my problem.Be like Mr. Zhu say, current military power to Long Jun in the sky, taking the offensive to kiss the much more southern Si is more than enough, the reason I transfer thus great military power, is also that after offending and sinking to kiss much more southern Si, immediately to strange inside Cha and Lai card many benefits two provinces launch surprise attack.
However, if I can not clear up the enemy's real personal status, if these enemies are really Mi clans member, if they are really another have been already schemed or hurtle me, so Long Jun in the sky the activity from now on will become very disadvantageous, even will cause our army's becoming passive situation on the strategy.Therefore, I have to kiss a much more southern Si capital as well as do 1 with Mi clan to settle."The rare Lei determines of to Long Fei Dao.
It is no longer a year,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, two years of business to get along with rare Lei, Long Fei's certainly understanding the rare Lei of conviction firmness basically can't listen to his persuade, therefore after considering gains or losses, Long Fei positively says:"Since is so, so I go together with you."
"Lord male, this ……" rare the Lei hear the words that the dragon flies to frightened to disgrace, just thinking objection, but be interrupted by Long Fei.
"You need not said more, you didn't get a choice now, not everyone don't go and want to be not I Related articles:

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