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Did Volume 2 three war Niang son pass chapter 121 devils escape?
Renew time:2008-12-2020:00:48 chapter word numbers:5455

The pass city of the Niang son pass inside, Liu Guang just, square the friend promotion command troops great commander around the sand dish turn around.They this be still drive Chuang tiger the minister infect of trouble.To say this thing to isn't rare either Wu Wei Jun's ocean military instructor once taught how to use as well, Tienjin is martial the inside having schools also have this thing, but the basic nothing important person uses in the pure soldier.New soldier the training in normal times is to regard brigade row, baton as principle, that thing looking at jollification, imperial government big guys visit, inspect of time also good-looking be not?Fight the thing that needs to be used on the contrary don't do.Other green camps, eight ensigns don't even lift and see have never seen.
Tiger minister in the Chuang doesn't understand military map and always feels oneself the space imagination ability shortage and sent a person to do a sand dish afterwards, this thing mountain and stream, river various geography sees at a glance, tiger minister in the Chuang feels still more friendly.Effect under the north bound, the big camp is many to also follow study, don't learn not to know, this thing is still really quite good, connected the scholars of impassability military to see hereafter all know where can with the ambush, where can decisive battle.
This house is that hide soldier's hole, was afterwards changed battle room and board room by tiger minister in the Chuang.The military officers of medium high class in the big camp all arrived now, a complexion was dignified, atmosphere suppress of make people feel a dyspnea.
"Ha ha ha", a burst of and unrestrained laughter lets the person in the house a surprised, everyone raises head and looks, the person who originally smile is loyalty the control of the Yi soldier, Shanxi greatly and together total soldier, Liu Guang, in the town is just.
Liu only just smile along while, just to these humalities with interrogative look:"How was my smiling us this ?120,000 people's battalion, came 5, 600 ocean did the soldier give to frighten Song?Don't forget, we but connected to win two battles!"
The Jian Rui camp pairs all govern a thou clear embarrassedly say with smile:"This imperial envoy adult not at, always feel the in the mind is empty to fall of, be have no bottom."
Other several individuals are also the Ji Ji Zha Zha way:"Be, adult at of time, come again many devils also feel in the mind not afraid.This adult a not at, always feel guilty."
Liu only just says with smile:"Here of guarding and fighting apparatus, all of each decorations are the handwritings of imperial envoys adult, front big two battle front time powers.Everyones are all clear, see intelligence report this time however came 5, 600 ocean soldier, anticipate also might as well matter,beats by dre uk."
Lee the Qin small voice always ask a way:"BE don't make collective report the circumstance here to the adult?"
The square friend that have been sitting on the chair to take out drought smoke rises to suddenly call a way:"Is careless!Several hundreds of foreign devils we around ten thousandly battalion to frighten?The imperial envoy adult is marrying of be, so the idea small matter is going to put~to the troubl he, we these people's imperial governments also kept for the white!"
Liu only just says with smile:"Square soldier door say of very clear, all of us were the old military rank and files of most generation sons, there is also digging of imperial envoy adult trench war method, the Niang son pass is again a man to be a pass.The hazardous place that ten thousand men don't open, more than 10,000 persons beat several 100 people, the battle dozen like this doesn't win.Abashed also abashed die, and does the face disturb imperial envoy adult?"
Thou clear a face daze a way:"This foreign devil also oddness, each time is send one thousand sons 800, always not the elephant fight a ground of appearance."
The square friend rises a way:"This pour is can Lyu of affair, front two, in the foreigner accounting of adult, think that here am an empty city, to drop with the light heart naturally, now we here ground circumstance, the newspaper God skies all have.Foreigner be still so light-minded, that is getting more suspicious."
Liu Guang just again is ha ha a say with smile:"Everyone Be getting tooer careful, soldier's coming to will block, water comes to soil to flood, these 100 many inside of scope.Is us everywhere of probe Shao, come to Niang son pass also such a road, afraid he what?I estimate to touch the forward that is an ocean soldier, touch our army truth or falsity of, we put out this several 100 people first.Kill the power and prestige of foreigner!"
One of "Pa" rings.Give person in the house a fright, the square friend rises fierce clapped thigh of one Zhang.Jumped a way from the chair:"Liu Jun Men says of pole BE!This war, the fighting skill camp beats a vanguard, the old headman begs for to make, I beat first time!"
Liu Guang just smile way:"Soldier door in square, you are an old-timer, adult not at, still you stay in well!"
The square friend rises a dissatisfied way:"Liu Jun Men, count person's horse of the Yi soldier of your loyalty here most, you again are a total soldier from ground in town greatly and together, have charge of district a responsibility graveness, still your commander-in-chief!"
Liu Guang just still needs to defer to, the square friend rises to put to stop a way:"Liu Jun Men, you need not again polite, the old headman definitely listens to your will make!My under charge which dare to defy to adjust to send of, you killed to would be, I have no two words!"The square friend rises to seem to think of what painfully affair, once get hurt of tremble badly:"Say an isn't afraid to throw a person of words!Why will the foreign devil believe accounting of imperial envoy adult?That because we are purely big soldier once the gun voice ring, throw Kui to leave A ground person Be getting tooer many!So fairly good of, have a ground of person be listen to a rumor, say to is an ocean the soldier wanted, threw city defense, run of have no a shadow son.The affair foreigner like this saw many and became accustomed to, this just won calculating of adult.Speak of to throw a person, my fighting skill camp is what I personally recruit from old house in Hunan and recruited in Hubei again afterwards, a lot of still the sons of my clansmen, adjusted to teach for several years.BE keeping belonging to, with soldier of ocean just on exchanging blows, for one Kui a long distance, I killed people to kill hand goes limply, still cannot stop!Have drive personally a gun kills of, still I of hall nephew!"
The old man more says more excited, finally turned a sorrow, the old tears all beat to turn in the eye socket, he secretly wiped with the sleeves a , put forth new energy way:"Today, I beg for from Liu Jun Men to make and give the old headman one one or two face the opportunity for picking it uping, after otherwise dying, which have a face to see underground left Jue mutually?"Say, incredibly the list knee kneels ground and went one big gift.
This bottom, made Liu only just panic absolute being, quickly handed him to get up a way:"Old elder brother, you get up quickly, this not is fold the brothers of dying?The imperial envoy adult in fronts all allow you don't salute of, does your right and wrong want to force brothers to your[one] Ke?"
The square friend rose to stand, eyes inside was full to is an expectant ray of light, old see be not dim-sighted either, those early years of fierce trembled the power and prestige, murderous look four shoot, how see all elephant not to is the 70-year-old old man of wound all over.
Thou clearly shout loudly a way:"Good!Old dozen in the soldier door is first time, if you the fighting skill camp could not held against, the brothers took the camp of Jian Rui to wear for your Dou, we the Manchu Yes aren't not either battle righteousness of!"
The square friend rises bad malicious stared his 1:"I the fighting skill camp is more than 2,000 persons, and then have the imperial envoy adult the fastness of the arrangement to falter battlefield to rely on, again couldn't win 100 several devils at beating, I beheaded by myself to your thou clearly that night pot!"
The thou is clear also feel to speak amiss words, "ha ha" Shan smiles not to talk.
Liu Guang is just also no longer polite, sit at in handing over of soldier commander in chief chair up.Start giving order.
Is to go to the east front line in door in the sky to the well Xing first, green camp in Gansu that guards a defense line to withdraw down, changed fighting skill camp in Hubei.Then loyalty of oneself's under charge the Jin Wei camp of the Yi soldier and Li Yong Qin guard Niang son pass underneath ground the second defense line.The others return to ten big camps out of the inside and act as to prepare a brigade.Niang son's closing the geography here troops is many to is also useless.Basically order about not to open, the persons is mostly also waste.Two defense lines under the normal circumstance, 3,000-4,000 troopses defendoof all right already, again many, crowded all crowded not next.And, they are battle front these days of, also followed tiger minister in the Chuang to see a Qian dike advantage, Be not willing to line up soldier's array and foreigner to face to face put together to kill any further.
The arrangement completes.These people all ascended city head.The Niang son pass is geography of slender waist bottle gourd.The well Xing goes to east door in the sky the front line is the waist of bottle gourd, before have a cake of not not too small even Chuan, this even Chuan be regarded as bottle gourd of the first belly.It behind is a piece of big even Chuan.Is another belly of bottle gourd, then is a Niang son pass, old pass, solid pass, this is the bottle gourd bottom.Two sides are high mountain overhanging cliffs, the underneath is an ancient way.
Tiger minister in the Chuang and then in the defense line that here established a way.Since bottle gourd, two sides Related articles:

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