Wednesday, November 14, 2012

beats dr dre old woman Luo state

In say, is the Ming word camp Chuang finishes of only keep a son, Yu a famous young culprit of Lin Bao Li"
"Oh, still we the background of old Huai soldier?Does the Chuang finish?Is Liu to save three hand inside is that all been deep-fried to come out by the French's ocean cannon in Taiwanese bowel sons, and then fill into dish bowel in the belly to fight, opened gunfire to kill the Chuang bedlamite that French navy commander Gu pulls out?"Li Hong Zhang's eyes inside ray of light is one Shan, bright get up.
"The adult is really a good power of memory, ten several affairs of year agos are very familiar with the subject!Hun that the Chuang finishes is a Chuang three crazy, the person says that he sees blood crazy, see woman crazy, see silver crazy, true of one saw money not and desperately and saw the kinds of goods that the woman shameless, an actually teach of visit shot, Be just an officer of four articles, 2,000 of soldier light the vacancy ate 1,002, 3, go toward home a big box of, a big box of of luck silver and ocean money, dislike car to pull littlely, packs with the ship, the wife married ten, the time in Taiwan, that black old woman Luo state of the gorilla faded general soil Zhao of hair the woman dare to also marry to go home and didn't say in those early years is at Ming word camp, be in the whole Huai soldier, his fame that is also loudly be be, Ze Ze~~~~~~"Prosperous bosom the Zha wear mouth way.
"That is really one fierce will!The not afraid dead of serving as soldier is a good kind of, the head doesn't work oneslf to the bone on the top of trousers diagram of is what?Isn't money?In those early years once nine handsome opened a Nanking of city, the long hair hides in the valuables in the city not is also robbed clean?Afterwards afraid that the imperial government denounces and punishes, a burn torch Nanking white ground, say to is a long hair to resist government troops, oneself sets fired self-immolation to arouse wildfire, who don't know that that is outright lies?The silver returns to be burned by the wildfire have no?I teacher's text is positive Mr., so moralistic[one] person, and then is leading troops to take is old, he old man's house what not understand?That didn't don't also say what, have no money how lead troops?
~~~~~The soldier in nowadays gets the skill a match of money a , but can fight of still have how many, eight ensigns, green camp debauched several years that is from don't say it, Liu Kun soldier in the skill, that is the background of Xiang soldier is also in a great mess now, even we Huai soldier, also have already had no appearance, A noon year leaf's ambition is super dare a gun not put to escape back from Korea, not going of the soil, that always being good friends with of the ocean point?Square, Bo Qian, pours is once stayed ocean, but could not return to country for two years, the private home also bought, the little wife also married and even took out opiums ascend!Can fight?
Only Deng Shi Chang is become useful, dare to take warship and Japanese to bump!~~~~Had mercy on D Yu court!The north ocean navy lost war, suicide of is many, can only he was by hand, other persons all swallowed smoke cream son, in normal times inside these people be all taking out big smoke to lead troops~~~~~Is my fault, clearly know he doesn't understand naval battle and still kept adjusting him to navy and was to lift Du, originally was to want to promote him, let him had a good future prospects~~~~~~~
Good!Chuang three go crazy this Hun to rise well!Have then the dad like this can keep an is ferocious like this of son, what a guy, a have no a job to have no power of fill the vacancy a way to incredibly dare to open fire the yellow lotus the Holy Mother of beating the righteousness and boxing, also killed several 100 boxing people!These boxing people are even the Forbidden City dares to hurtle and says to kill an emperor and all horizontally has no a table, a little bit ex- day Nie private truly the call report to ask me, the regiment people disturbs troops how do, Lao Tze wires back for a word and kills!The Evil-doer that teaches to these gossips in addition to kills a word to return ability how?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Young culprit?Ha ha, the Cen spring Mao is a young culprit, this tiger minister in the Chuang is again a young culprit, we be the big pure country garrisoned by two young culprits now?How much aer little stronger than the rock lion of Forbidden City doorway~~~"Li Hong Zhang is heavy again the half lie half depend on the western chair, the half shut eyes to say the talk in a dream sort Xu Xu Dao Dao along while.
"The station of Yuan Wei's pouring is what knows a soldier, the his martial Wei right soldier can still beat as well!"
"Yuan a life time Kai?What trick!In those early years for burning the hot cooking stove of old man, change the wanting of method let my Ci the private of the university seat, the private of the university is have already settled a sum, I wanted not to move nest, his Weng and 龢 urgently died also useless, the result is in the wise good temple at that time was scolded by me to go out!A dog with no bone!Now again fawn on last glory Lu with celebrate a king~~~~~~Really don't know Yuan A, three geomancies are to not is to be getting worse, how came out so thing!"Li Hong Zhang gives a snicker.
"Medium hall, the imperial government is a day now how many telegrams urge, how to exactly do the affair of this peace negotiations?This and exactly is an argument the argument is not?"
"Peace negotiations, peace negotiations, first and just have argument, the soldier of the ocean beats now of positive jollification, don't cease fire an argument what?Said again, the attitude of imperial government wasn't clear and distinct, queen mother her old man's house didn't°yet quasi- words, don't be an A noon again!"
"But let two temples float in the outside like this, is not a way either?"
"Artificial knife Zu, I am a fish, this and have what good argument?Can be a somebody else to say what is what!~~~~~~~"Li Hong Zhang's subconscious crumpled eyes that was contused in Japan in those early years all of a sudden:"Now this negotiation who do, that who is a traitor of China, 'Yang San is clay-cold to have no Su ugly, Mr. Li Er is a traitor of China'the precept of A noon year shout!Want ~only now argument with of, in the future affirm is a world to totally beg for it, the criminal charges of traitor of China, national traitor is ready-made, everyone get but put~to death it~~~~~~The person, who handles affairs, is shouted a dozen to shout to kill, looks on coldly to join a crowd for fun of pour is a loyal minister, this officialdom in big Manchu Dynasty I at last see through deeply of~~~~~~~Can lie to sleep dead on the hot Kang of home just is luck, not the ability is old to be getting older, again last time in the vegetables City, I didn't°yet so Yu~~~~~~~"
"The queen mother faces west ocean this time 11 countries open hostilities, that was also too careless~"
"Almond Sun talks to notice!"Li Hong Zhang's facial expression a sink:"You are more different than other people, if other people say this words, I the big stick beats him to go out, isn't understand either with them, but your knowledge should not be so shallow!From after beating long hair to revolt, Fan all day long greatly is already not contend for, eight ensigns, green camps are early lousy to the root son, imperial government axis also not hope them, can fight of is Chu's soldier of the Xiang soldier and left quarter Gao of positive text Mr. to still have us the Huai soldier, but how does the imperial government trust again?My teacher from please abolish a Xiang soldier and have a little bit the place that be unsuited to the idea as a result, imperial government dare under the aim admonish, in those early years salty plentiful Ye but once said, who put out long hair but wanted to split soil to win the champion!~~~The clear stream, Manchu is expensive in person now with the Du of each province, fondle is three sons,beats dr dre, who also can not get away from who, but who don't wet as well who, the queen mother dances on three eggs, which can not trample to break, which square make badly, take another two parties to snuff out, dynasty Tui Wei in the bureau unmanageable, the queen mother is to would not° until depend check and balance force to maintain this mess, she is also difficult!The foreigner wants to let the queen mother return a government and had no queen mother now, who can tidy up this situation?"
Prosperous Xuan Huai ponders a long time, slowly way:"In fact, queen mother's returning a government also not definitely isn't a good affair, the emperor wants to reform, medium hall did it ever be not so?The medium hall is a Kang party!"Kang party two words are a .
"Ha ha, Kang party!I this Kang party is the traitor of China of a ground of tunnel way in capable eye at the Kang!"Li Hong Zhang says with smile.
He pickeds up some coffees that are getting cooler already, article one mouthful, tiny knit the brows, let go of again:"Coffee is this thing, hot drink still full sweet, was getting cooler and then becamed a Chinese herbal medicine, domestic affairs it could be such, imperial government now compare to is a person of long disease, the tiger wolf medicine comes up can important person of life!~~Kang capable knowledge of okay, but I view its person, the inspiring looks structure and form is narrow, the old man of those early years is two emperor teachers, and that knowledge isn't bad either!E Xu year, the emperor wants to abolish so many Ya doors a while and breaks around ten thousand officers living, can that also not have an accident son?The emperor held to slice, the queen mother Zhang wore always and slowly broke to probably also have an exit, result they want to make a temple to change, what matter son can this also become?The foreigner always feels now the emperor is progressive, reform of, if emperor take big power, by all means will open wharf, port, the foreigner can sell more some thing to we big pure, being a benefit of their diagram, the foreigner have been would liking to make contact with with me, is also this reason, but don't want as well, if queen mother nonsupport, my north where will the ocean have results to show the day of soldier?Queen mother Related articles:

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