Monday, November 19, 2012

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. , relationresultI told that let you sit down ... , relationresultFiryalvoice not consciously take more seriously ,is obviously the BOT attitude discontent .relationresultSergeantnow although depressed mood, but the identity of each other after all noble ,dr dre beats,he is not too hard ,had to sit on the bench with black fur .
relationresultIn theBOT just sat down when, on the opposite side of the princess suddenly raised on a low silver long pot will be a lavender liquid down into the front of the cup .relationresultItcan let the orcs surprise ;according to the traditional men of high status is not for the people of lower social status to the wine or beverage .
He hurriedly and rose .relationresult,you in public :Imperial legislation there are distinctions won in battle ,in private you saved my life .Don be courtesy .Sit down ... , relationresultFiryaltalk very softly .
It is not going to let people hear .It is such a casual tone can make BOT feel very comfortable .He sat down again : thank you for your highness . , relationresult....This grass juice is very famous drinks in humans .
It was said to the production process is very complex .The taste is less delicious ;Empire and the Human League after the formal war .It is difficult to get .The barrel was brought to father from the trustee of wellington .
, relationresultIt is very delicious .This drink should be called Grand silk gretel .The human world in the most upscale to one drinks .Is made of specially created a nobleman .....When we tackle Wellington ;in many warehouses are found in a number of such things .
, relationresultDo you like ? , relationresultNo.At the time ...Don not think such a thing .I wanted to give the Lillian home .So it is particularly concerned about .Unexpectedly ;this time .
....Neither will . , relationresultYou and Lillian like ? , relationresultSorry.relationresult?You don at the front of the Empire ,you little some civilian hero and Elven slaves love but widely spreads in the folk .
You save my things into the story of embellishment, how ?Can not satisfy my curiosity ? , relationresultThe princessof quite a few naughty constituents ,apparently to regulate the atmosphere .
But the results did not think good ;BOT put in the hands of the glass ,a very low voice : in fact ,Lire was not a slave .Originally, my comrades from the slave traders in and saved her ,originally intended to direct her back through the shu-hai ,when there is a Kansas city after the war ended ;spirit is the enemy ,magic is transmitted without opening .
So back down .relationresultLater;she lived in the small town ,often by local gangster harassing ,we often go and help her ,in the course of time became very good friends ,it was because of her cooking .
....Later in Kansas ;I saved you back to the resident ,the time to take her back through the tree hale .But ...... , relationresult , relationresultShe said she wanted to stay with me ....
, relationresultYou love her ? , relationresultI don ,just think she is a good woman ,she said that she did not want to leave, I am very happy ....I don this love is it right? .relationresultReally love her,is living together ;she was so good, pure .
Get along with people without any false ,good is good ,bad is bad ,love is love ,don or don . ,beats by dre uk, relationresultThis character in the Empire was common ground ? , relationresult...Maybe .
So ,I just love .....Really ,no thought of her so .....Perhaps through the danger of too much ;I think the fire accident is really too difficult to accept this .... , relationresultBOT ,your house has been in the very good ,also very safe city .
Originally the fire was completely should not ,nor may occur .Later we asked the city garrison ;at that time because the ice queen Park ,most of the security forces had been transferred away ,will .
.... , relationresult...Is ?....If I was in her, she will not .... , relationresultThis world is not so much if ,and you are the imperial soldiers ,I don the perennial keep wife who is a qualified soldier ,you have more important things to do .
....No, not at all. , relationresult,cheap dr dre beats....relationresult..I know I always do ,but Lillian death made me feel ...Pain. Unspeakable pain . , relationresultPain?Than the battlefield experience pain ?BOT ,you are Munro fighter ,I thought you would have used to pain .
, relationresult.....This is different ... , relationresultDifferent ?There is no different ,pain , relationresultBitter,you lose friends when the pain, now lost love ...Just in different circumstances the things ,you actually have to accept the facts ,but unwilling to admit .
relationresultYou mustbehave so decadent ,so sad ,can you love with Lillian ,can let her feel a little comfort ! , relationresultNo, not at all.I should protect her ,battlefield is the fight place ,since on the battlefield they should do battle preparations, which have no more to say ,comrades dead, I will be sad .
This is the friendship cannot reproduce ,as is the brother of could not see .At the higher level, my comrades to their ideals and sacrifice ,it is worth the happy matter .Sad is only a .
...Instinctive reaction .relationresultButLillian ,fighting for my life is the racial and ethnic rise rise ,I should let each people live a happy life ,but who I love but because of an unexpected fire forever gone ,the pain is .
...Unwilling ,regret ,miss ,miss collection ....Deep and strong ..... , relationresult.....Stop me before analysis sorrow, which I understand is far more than you .....BOT ,if not to do to others ,don act so obvious ,because Lillian won be in this state ,I believe in her heart a BOT ,is the brave ,strong ,silent warrior ,not now the pain tortured appetite poor people .
relationresultAnyway,I can tell you ;Lillian in Hades must also hope you can cheer up .If you really care about her ,you should reply as soon as possible ,for their own ideals continue to struggle, only in this way can you to be yourself ,but also the only way to happy lillian .
, relationresultThe princess is not high ,but it contains the sense of strength ,although was not charged ,but also let the BOT has that become enlightened at once .He took a deep breath ,eyes seemed to ignite a flame .
Not exaggerated mood and not too many special features ,Sergeant binocular open opposite the princess ,a brief but powerful said : thank you ! , relationresultRare;BOT is not coupled with the HRH title .
This slightly impolite, and did not let the princess dissatisfaction ,contrary to her mouth to emerge out of a sincere smile : here you are always welcome . , relationresultBefore looking at therevived warrior ,firyal slowly raise the hand colored silk Gretel ,two silver collision at the same time, the woman in mind the subtle said : from now on his heart will be my position ,this position does not belong to a princess ,and belongs to a friend .
.....relationresultPeopleof a country, a luxurious building .relationresultPhilot is stillthe standard treasure hunter dress ,but he now eyes completely black ,dark even pupils are not . Related articles:

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